
Why Branches?

If everyone does a little bit, no one has to do a lot. The British Overseas Voters Forum (BOVF) has branches to effectively reach and support British citizens living in different parts of the world, helping them stay informed and engaged with UK voting rights and democratic processes. By establishing branches, BOVF can address location-specific

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New Branch Policy

As you continue to grow and strengthen your BOVF branch, keep in mind a few key principles that can guide you toward long-term success. You will find lots of Branch resources on the BOVF website HERE Why Branches? The BOVF was founded by those who are passionate about democracy. We believe that our engagement in

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Final Tips for Success

Be Flexible and Adaptable First, always remain flexible and adaptable—as your branch grows, be open to new ideas, feedback, and changes in strategy that better serve your members and community. This will help your branch stay relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of British citizens abroad. Relationships Second, focus on building strong relationships within

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Reporting to your stakeholders

Planning Your AGM. It is important that on or around the anniversary of your branches creation, you hold a meeting (an Annual General Meeting or AGM) to engage all your stakeholders.  This can be online or as an in-person event. This means that in addition to regularly staying in touch with the BOVF throughout the

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Step 10

Building a sustainable and thriving BOVF branch requires developing long-term engagement strategies that keep members actively involved and committed over time. One effective approach is to establish a culture of regular, meaningful interaction through consistent communication—such as monthly newsletters, regular social media updates, and periodic virtual or in-person events. Keeping members informed about local, national,

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Step 9

None of this is rocket science, but success does rely on a formula.  If you have all the right ingredients – your branch will be a success! To continue growing your local BOVF branch, it’s crucial to use more targeted outreach and focused events that resonate with your community’s unique needs and interests. We have

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