Learn about the BOVF Local Branch in USA About the branch: A description of the Local Branch in USA and reasons why British expats should think about getting involved: When the branch became active: How do members of the Branch keep in touch: Does the branch have real or online meetings: Has the branch connected
Where We Are Geographically
Where we are The British Overseas Voters Forum (BOVF) benefits greatly from having Local Branches made up of Supporters and Members who are British citizens living abroad. These local branches create a vital network, ensuring that the unique priorities of British expats in each area are heard by the Forum as a whole. Each country
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Frozen Pensions
Learn about the issue of Frozen Pensions The issue: The UK state pension is a right based on a minimum level of National Insurance contributions and is not dependent on where a person lives once the state pension age has been reached…except for many overseas British pensioners. What we say: This large scale cheating of
University Fees
Learn about the issue of UK University Fees for British overseas-based students The issue: The background is that the UK government currently charges overseas nationals a massive premium on the tuition fees charged to UK nationals who are defined as resident in Britain, indeed in general 2 to 3 times more. The reality is that
Spouse Visa
Learn about the issue of the rights of British Citizens with Overseas Spouses The issue: Despite the international world we increasingly live in, the current system for granting visas and citizenship unjustly penalizes British citizens who marry foreigners while living overseas or who then move overseas. What we say: We are committed to helping the
Access to UK Bank Accounts
Learn about the issue of Access to UK Bank Accounts The issue: UK banks are increasingly asking UK citizens, who have moved to live overseas, to close their UK bank accounts. What we say: We need to properly research the issue with the banks and with the government. We do believe that owning a UK
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Housing Loan Interest
Learn about the issue of Discriminatory Housing Loan Interest The issue: UK Government regulations forcing banks to charge discriminatory interest rates to British Citizens overseas on their UK housing loans What we say: This Forum needs to properly research the issue with the banks and with the government. The UK Banks and government must be
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Fully Functional Voting
Learn about the issue of Full Participatory Voting Mechanisms The issue: Failure by the UK Government to Provide its Overseas voters with a secure and timely votingmechanism. What we say: The UK Government must be encouraged to provide a certain and secret voting mechanism in line with what almost all outer countries provide for their
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Overseas Constituencies
Learn about our work to do with Overseas Constituencies The issue: Our recommendation is for a better way to provide representation for UK Overseas voters. What we say: The modern and also efficient answer is to properly represent the UK overseas voters by establishing constituencies specifically for those who live overseas. Overseas voters would then
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