
Better Government Communication

Learn about the issue of achieving Better UK Government Communication The issue: Government Departments still using Antiquated forms of Communication to reach its overseas citizens. What we say: We will examine the most pressing issues of the way the way the government communicates with its citizens overseas and give advice on changes in the method

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Why the Forum?

Why the Forum? British citizens living overseas play a vital yet often underappreciated role in supporting the UK’s economic, cultural, and social fabric. Despite being far from home, millions of expatriates are actively promoting British interests abroad, contributing to the UK economy, and lessening the burden on government resources. Yet, their contributions are often overlooked,

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Why overseas Brits should have the vote

Why Brits overseas should have the right & ability to exercise their vote The right to vote: British Citizenship Carries Rights and ResponsibilitiesBritish citizens living abroad should retain the right to vote because citizenship inherently comes with a set of rights and responsibilities, regardless of geographical location. The right to vote, as enshrined in the

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Register to vote

Do not wait until an election is called. It takes time to complete the process. By then it will likely be too late to take part. After registering your details online, these are sent through to the local authority for the actual registering. The authority may have questions after checking your details, particularly if you

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Why have policy groups?

The British Overseas Voters Forum (BOVF) has established policy groups as a vital part of its mission to develop policies that address the challenges faced by British citizens living abroad. These policy groups are not only focused on resolving key issues, such as frozen pensions, voting rights, and access to government services, but also on creating policies

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Supporter Registration (FREE)

There has never been a better time to register as a Supporter of the British Overseas Voters Forum (BOVF). By becoming a Supporter, you are joining a growing community dedicated to ensuring that the voices of British citizens living abroad are heard and their rights protected. By signing up as a supporter, you will: *

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If you want to see real change, joining BOVF is the first step to making change happen. As a member, you’ll be part of a fast-growing global membership body dedicated to campaigning for the rights of British overseas voters. Your membership gives you the opportunity to actively participate in policy groups focused on the key

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Make a difference

Share your skills Only by working together can we solve the issues which affect so many overseas British citizens. Share your skills with our policy groups Are you passionate about advocating for the rights and interests of British citizens living abroad? The British Overseas Voters Forum (BOVF) is seeking dedicated volunteers to join our policy

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