BOVF Survey Reveals Lack of Awareness About Changes to Voting Rights for Expats

London, [3rd February 2025] – A new survey conducted by the British Overseas Voters Forum (BOVF) has revealed concerning gaps in awareness among British citizens living abroad regarding their voting rights in UK elections.

In January 2024, a key amendment to the Elections Act extended voting eligibility to an additional 2 million British citizens overseas. However, BOVF’s research found that only 7% of its politically engaged respondents recalled seeing the Electoral Commission’s campaign about this change. Additionally, just 21% had encountered related information from UK Consulates or High Commissions.

Further analysis by BOVF suggests that regional news media and online social forums are the most effective channels for reaching overseas citizens with important voting information. The organisation is urging the Electoral Commission, in partnership with High Commissions and Consulates, to collaborate more closely with these platforms to better inform British expatriates of their democratic rights.

Expanding voting rights is a significant step forward, but without effective communication, millions of eligible voters may remain unaware and unable to participate in UK elections. Our research shows that targeted outreach through regional media and social networks would be a much more effective way to ensure British citizens abroad are informed and engaged.”
Bruce Darrington, Chair of the British Overseas Voters Forum

BOVF is calling on both the Electoral Commission and the UK Government to enhance their communication efforts to ensure that all British citizens living abroad are aware of their right to vote and are equipped with the necessary information to participate.