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Make a monthly donation to help us with our work

Why monthly donations are important

Monthly donations to the British Overseas Voters Foundation (BOVF) are crucial because they provide a stable and predictable source of funding, enabling the organization to plan and execute long-term campaigns and initiatives that address the significant challenges faced by British citizens living abroad.

With consistent financial support, BOVF can sustain its vital work in advocating for fair treatment, such as ensuring frozen pensions are addressed, improving voting mechanisms, and securing better government communication and financial access for expatriates.

Regular donations also help maintain the operational costs of, allowing the BOVF to offer information, advice and guidance to individuals, ensuring that their voices are heard and their rights protected.

Your monthly contribution is not just a donation; it is a commitment to building a fairer future for British citizens worldwide.

Help us campaign for people like Christine

Christine worked all her life, starting work at 15. As soon as she was required, she paid taxes throughout her life and made full National Insurance contributions until she retired at the age of 60. Not long after she had retired, her son moved to Asia.

With no other family ties in the UK, Christine decided to follow him and be nearer to him and her grandchildren.

Her state pension was immediately frozen. No one had ever explained to her this would happen, and when it did, it was too late. She had sold or given away all the belongings she had not packed to travel with.

Having lived in Asia for over 15 years, Christine receives just under £300 monthly. Nearly all of this money is spent on medication each month to deal with her multiple health conditions. Christine lives in poverty.

Christine relies on her son for a place to live and all living costs.

So what’s the answer?

If people like Christine were well enough to fly back to the UK, they would rely on the welfare state for their housing, health and social care.

The costs would be considerably more expensive than simply giving British overseas voters a pension on par with their UK peers, which would give them the dignity of a more independent life.