What branches actually do?

Helping BOVF Grow

Recruiting more Members, Activists and Supporters

Talking to other British Overseas Citizens

Local Branches are key in raising awareness amongst the local expat community of the rights of British Citizens and how the BOVF is working to get British Overseas citizens a better deal in relation to the BOVF confirmed Key Issues.

Helping to register new Supporters & Members

Achieving the organizational goals related to our Key Issues, we need to represent as many British Citizens as we can.  We can only effectively represent British citizens overseas with a healthy Membership and cohort of Supporters.

Encouraging democratic process

Although the BOVF is non-partisan, politics is part and parcel of what we do.  We no not engage with any political party in the UK, but we do encourage our members to engage with the British political parties.

Supporting British Citizens to register to vote in UK elections

Branches will have volunteers to work with British Citizens who might not be confident using the internet to facilitate voter registration.

Writing case studies

Local Branches will record stories of British Citizens who have been affected by the organisational Key Issues and providing these case studies to the BOVF Information Officer.

Encouraging democratic process

Although the BOVF is nonpartisan, politics is part of what we do. We do not engage with any political party in the UK, but we do encourage our members to engage with the British political parties.

Supporting British Citizens to register to vote in UK elections

Branches will have volunteers to work with British Citizens who might not be confident using the internet to facilitate voter registration.

Championing Local Needs of British Citizens

At a local level and in addition to focussing on the Key Issues of the BOVF, members might agree that there are pertinent issues locally which need to be discussed or actioned which might have a positive impact on the British expat community.  Ensuring that the global BOVF organisation knows these local priorities is crucial. The webpage detailing the local branch should always transparently reflect the priorities and actions of the local branch.

Developing the BOVC Info Hub

BOVF uses a central online hub for information, policies, procedures, research, etc. Branches are a means of disseminating information.

Creating Community

Living overseas can at times feel isolating. BOVF creates community within local British expat communities.

Having Fun

BOVF is, by definition, social. Most of our activities rely on meeting together. todiscuss common goals, working together and organising events. Just because the issues we deal with are very serious, having fun doing what we do is is an important part of our culture.

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